Pub/Sub Log API for NATS
Pub/Sub Log API for NATS
Extend NATS with a Kafka-like durable pub/sub log API. Use Liftbridge as a simpler and lighter alternative to systems like Kafka and Pulsar or to add streaming semantics to an existing NATS deployment.

Fault-Tolerant and Scalable
Fault-Tolerant and Scalable
Stream replication provides high availability and durability of messages. Clustering and partitioning provides horizontal scalability for streams and their consumers.

Supremely Simple
Supremely Simple
No heavy or unwieldy dependencies like ZooKeeper or the JVM. Liftbridge is a single static binary roughly 16MB in size. It has a simple gRPC-based API which makes it quick to implement client libraries.

Wildcard Subscriptions
Wildcard Subscriptions
Create streams that match wildcard topics, such as stock.nyse.* or stock.nasdaq.* in addition to topic literals like stock.nasdaq.msft.

Key-Value and Header Support
Key-Value and Header Support
Messages can have a key set on them for key-value semantics and other arbitrary headers, making Liftbridge a great choice for transaction write-ahead logs.

Log Retention and Compaction
Log Retention and Compaction
In addition to retention policies based on time and data volume, Liftbridge supports log compaction by key. This means the server retains only the latest value for a given key.